Mary Oyler Obituary

December 25, 1946 - May 4, 2024

Mary Oyler, a beloved wife, mother and friend, passed away May 4th, 2024. Mary's life was a testament to the power of laughter and true friendship.

Born and raised in Tennessee, Mary's sense of humor was her trademark. With her quick wit and impeccable timing, from the macabre to the mundane, Mary had a knack for finding humor is all that life had to offer.  It was the joy and laughter she brought to so many lives that will be deeply missed.  

But Mary's impact extended far beyond her humor. She was a staunch advocate for those she cared about, always ready to offer support and encouragement. Throughout her career, from her growth in the movie theater industry, particularly AMC, to her role as facilities director at Notre Dame High School, Mary tirelessly worked to help others succeed. Many who worked with her spoke of the life-changing impact her advocacy and support had on their lives, forever grateful for her profound belief in them.

In addition to her professional accomplishments, Mary was passionate about music and songwriting. Alongside her best friend Leslie, Mary penned lyrics that touched your soul, made you smile, boogie, and told the most vivid story.   

Mary's greatest source of pride was her family. She poured endless love and support into her daughter Aunalise and wife Miriam, always reminding them of their worth and potential. Mary's legacy lives on through the love she shared with her family and the countless lives she touched with her kindness and humor.

Mary will be remembered for her infectious laughter, unwavering support, and compassionate spirit. As we mourn her loss, let us also celebrate the joy, love and humor she brought into our lives.

Mary is survived by her loving wife Miriam Brady, her daughter Aunalise, nieces, nephews, great-nieces and nephews and growing generations beyond.  She is preceded in death by her grandmother Jessie, mother Olivia, and brothers Willam and Wallace.